Thursday, August 16, 2007

Grabbing a spoon

Its been long since FRIENDS started with its pilot episode and went on to become a nationwide phenomenon. Well from the day I saw that pilot, one piece of it seems to have been super glued to my mind.

Excerpt from the script:
Ross: You know what the scariest part is? What if there's only one woman for everybody, y'know? I mean what if you get one woman- and that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman- for her...

Joey: What are you talking about? 'One woman'? That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you. Lemme tell you something, Ross. There's lots of flavors out there. There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough, and Bing! Cherry Vanilla. You could get 'em with Jimmies, or nuts, or whipped cream! This is the best thing that ever happened to you! You got married, you were, like, what, eight? Welcome back to the world! Grab a spoon!

Ross: I honestly don't know if I'm hungry or horny.

Chandler: Stay out of my freezer!

This same episode ends with the following :

See ya.... Waitwait, what's with you?

(smiles) I just grabbed a spoon.


Well I guess all of us or lets say nearly all of us know what was the context under which these lines were spoken and if you don't I really do not know where you have been the last ten years.

Or maybe, just maybe you had a real life unlike most of us!

Well before I go on this blog is not about the series friends but just about "grabbing a spoon". Also what i say will always be about men, well simply because I am writing from my perspective but to all women out there feel free to grab a spoon cause after all it is an equal opportunity world.

The primary question that arises from all this is do we really need to grab a spoon in our lives?

Men by nature are born lazy, some a little less but by far most are comparable to a sloth. You give us a television, a couch and a beer (feel free to substitute with your favorite drink) and he can stay in that one place for an amount of time that may surprise even the best of us (Trust me most of us do not know our inherent potentials). To me the only thing a man would do in his life by spending a bit of their energy is grab a spoon whether they really need it or not.
While grabbing a spoon its not the need that drives a man but the glimpses of what he sees on the horizon the near future. Sometimes I really do wonder whether we actually see anything on the horizon at all, or we just jump in because our hormones command us too (best defense is to blame the hormones). So its never really a need but a want, a constant desire to grab a spoon that drives us all. If men did not feel the need to grab (go figure what) trust me they would still be fine. Just lower the bar once in a while and always remember the mantra
"No one dies a virgin, life fucks us all"
(The deepest darkest fear of all men is not death but the mere thought of expiring unused)

So if we don't really need to grab a spoon yet we still do, the question moves to when should we grab a spoon and more importantly who should be the one making a grab?

To think about it do you really need a time and place to grab one? Does a man really sit and think before he actually goes out to grab his chance. Well if you were to sit and think it would not be grabbing a spoon, but getting a scoop and a bowl too. Trust me by the time that happens there will be definitely a brave soul out there who would have beaten you armed with just the spoon. (Tell me has it never happened to you? If not which world are you living in man?)
Simply put now is the best time as any.
When it comes to who well what more can I say. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you are as ready as you ever will be to grab a spoon.

Finally the last thing I want to address is whether its worth grabbing a spoon or just wait out the time and let the ice-cream come to you. (Remember this way you just get one flavor!!!)

Well at this junction of my life I can proudly say that I have made a grab for the magic spoon many a times. Was it always the best thing that I did? Well can you say what an ice-cream is by looking at just the name? I say go ahead grab a spoon and the opportunities lie well, right in front of you. I have seen few of my friends grab the spoon, well some came out tasting either a fat free or a bitter almond variety (I am sure it has benzaldehyde), whereas some just managed to grab that delicious full fat death by chocolate. Well for me I have had my share of bitter almonds and tutti-fruti (well tutti-fruti's are the best you never know whats next, so hang on to those).

Thats enough of me talking about the art of selecting ice-creams

Bottom line guys and gals, its always worth to go grab that spoon cause you never know what flavor you may come out with.


Kokonad said...

(Waah! Amazing first post! It's a refreshing change from the standard 'Hi this is my first blog post, a vent for all my random thoughts and I hope I continue blogging, Bye.'.)

When it comes to grabbing a spoon, the thing that deters most men and women the most, is the self-inflicted pressure of "getting the right person the very first time".
Though the individual welcomes the whole idea of having a special someone, there are issues with personal confidence, choice, upbringing, fear of rejection and sometimes OCD too! (;) Ahem)
In the midst of all these complications, however, I strongly feel that it is quite essential to have a special someone in everyone's life. If it takes a lot of trial and error to get that someone, even I agree that we need to grab a spoon.

Gaurav Bhardwaj said...

Nice one!!....After reading this, I see the world as a people surrounded by flavors of ice cream. So go grab a spoon never know which flavor u will get (slightly modified from Forrest Gump)......Anyways I am feeling hungry too!!...time to go to university creamery!!!..:)

Princess Fiona said...

hmm. interesting :)

Charumani said...

Thats a nice one (quite convincing too!!) I wld like to know how many ppl would actually start picking up with thier spoons!! Truly one shd try all flavors and we never know we mite like it! It just reminds me of a cherry almond chocolate icecream at home, which i hated the first time..but started liking later!! Though I feel like having a death by chocolate now :)

Tista said...

All the very best dude...

Koffee beanzz said...
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Koffee beanzz said...

What if the icecream lets all the spoons grab it..and then when the 'golden spoon' gets just the leftovers..or maybe..nothing!

sunando said...

Well the ice-cream and the spoon have no gender. When the so called golden spoon comes, its the ice-cream that actually becomes the spoon. So this way there is always left to go around